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Fundamental Neurological Skills

Focused attention,
divided attention, sustained attention refocusing, situational awareness, shifting attention


 do, basic thinking processes including; reasoning, judgment, decision-making, problem solving, inferencing


visualization, prior

knowledge, vocabulary, metacognitive skills to understand what you see, hear, read. Discourse comp, Listening comp, reading comprehension,

visual comp

Visual closure, discrimination, visual memory, visual sequencing, visual-motor processing, auditory-visual integration, visucognition

Using pragmatic

 skills to communicate with others daily.  Meeting one's needs, socializing, participating in groups, learning skills, and following the rules of conversation

Contextual knowledge, factual knowledge, schemas for events and their relationships, experiencing and understanding social events

Most important

 processes for learning. Understanding new information by connecting it to prior knowledge or experiences. Short term memory, long term memory, working


Auditory processing,

visual processing, sequential processing, phonological processing, language processing, sensory processing

The efficiency and

 ability to retrieve information from memory and respond effectively.  Recall objects, retrieval fluency, rapid naming, association fluency

The time it takes

one to understand and respond orally, in writing, or physically to perceived sensory information.  Can be improved through cognitive training

The brain is a social organ...
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Campbell CA 95008-2302


(408) 375-4333

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